Friday, December 23, 2016

HTML5 Standard SpeechRecognition

According to this standard information, HTML5 web pages has internal standard support of voice recognition through JavaScript functions:

Speech Recognition Examples

Using speech recognition to fill an input-field and perform a web search.
Example 1
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
    recognition.onresult = function(event) {
      if (event.results.length > 0) {
        q.value = event.results[0][0].transcript;

  <form action="">
    <input type="search" id="q" name="q" size=60>
    <input type="button" value="Click to Speak" onclick="recognition.start()">
Using speech recognition to fill an options list with alternative speech results.
Example 2
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
      recognition.maxAlternatives = 10;
      recognition.onresult = function(event) {
        if (event.results.length > 0) {
          var result = event.results[0];
          for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
            var text = result[i].transcript;
            select.options[i] = new Option(text, text);

      function start() {
        select.options.length = 0;

    <select id="select"></select>
    <button onclick="start()">Click to Speak</button>
Using continuous speech recognition to fill a textarea.
Example 3
  <textarea id="textarea" rows=10 cols=80></textarea>
  <button id="button" onclick="toggleStartStop()"></button>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var recognizing;
    var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
    recognition.continuous = true;
    recognition.onend = reset;

    recognition.onresult = function (event) {
      for (var i = resultIndex; i < event.results.length; ++i) {
        if ( {
          textarea.value += event.results[i][0].transcript;

    function reset() {
      recognizing = false;
      button.innerHTML = "Click to Speak";

    function toggleStartStop() {
      if (recognizing) {
      } else {
        recognizing = true;
        button.innerHTML = "Click to Stop";
Using continuous speech recognition, showing final results in black and interim results in grey.
Example 4
  <button id="button" onclick="toggleStartStop()"></button>
  <div style="border:dotted;padding:10px">
    <span id="final_span"></span>
    <span id="interim_span" style="color:grey"></span>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var recognizing;
    var recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
    recognition.continuous = true;
    recognition.interim = true;
    recognition.onend = reset;

    recognition.onresult = function (event) {
      var final = "";
      var interim = "";
      for (var i = 0; i < event.results.length; ++i) {
        if (event.results[i].final) {
          final += event.results[i][0].transcript;
        } else {
          interim += event.results[i][0].transcript;
      final_span.innerHTML = final;
      interim_span.innerHTML = interim;

    function reset() {
      recognizing = false;
      button.innerHTML = "Click to Speak";

    function toggleStartStop() {
      if (recognizing) {
      } else {
        recognizing = true;
        button.innerHTML = "Click to Stop";
        final_span.innerHTML = "";
        interim_span.innerHTML = "";

Speech Synthesis Examples

Spoken text.
Example 1
  <script type="text/javascript">
     speechSynthesis.speak(SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello World'));
Spoken text with attributes and events.
Example 2
  <script type="text/javascript">
     var u = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
     u.text = 'Hello World';
     u.lang = 'en-US';
     u.rate = 1.2;
     u.onend = function(event) { alert('Finished in ' + event.elapsedTime + ' seconds.'); }

Expert Geoffrey Hinton

The first email:
Hello Mr. Hinton,

My name is Sergej Krivonos. Here is my linked page.
I want to use boost::mpl to implement compile-time neural network training algorithm.
I suppose it might speed up recognition jobs due to compile time and link time optimizations and reducing of multiplication by zero and precalculated values.
Recently I started learning your course on Coursera
Thus I have strong desire to design and implement compile-time trained recognition, I still might need some support. Please, let me know your thoughts as expert. 
The first answer:
There are 75,000 people taking my course.
Next email:
Thank you much for answering. 
Is it worst to implement compile-time training? 
Is it possible to find a grant for this?
Maybe I shouldn't mention participating his course.

To be continued???
Oh Yeah...

Merry Christmass Geoffrey and The Happy New Year!

I present to you flat NN model:

Compile-time training result allows to precalculate weights and make each output to be equal a sum of (products of inputs and resulting output weights) - flat model.

Happy New Year Mr Hinton! Our kids will see adequate speaking robots!

2016-12-22 17:16 GMT+02:00 Сергей Кривонос <>:
Thank you much for answering.
Is it worst to implement compile-time training? 
Is it possible to find a grant for this?

Sergei Krivonos
skype: sergio_krivonos

There are lots of questions about the math behind neural networks. And for machine learning too.
These pictures shown that in reality no need for more than two layers for neural networks that used in FANN library for example. But it only needed for current algorithm of learning. You can make two layer equivalent for any FANN net but to make it able to learn new algorithm of learning need to be developed. But seems it doable. I guess Geoffrey Hinton is the man who could develop such an algorithm. But would he be interested in such trivial networks that even not using sigmoids? Who knows... Only Geoffrey can answer such a question.
Maybe human cortex covers the function of such a "precompiled" flat but much faster neural network. And it uses electromagnetics for neuromediation. It is much faster. It might be updating while we sleeping. Neuroscientist might be interested to uncover this.
Another question is why outputs are dependent? To safe computer memory? Not actual for potential  compile-time algorithm. Each output gives a simple polynomial function by inputs.
Next question why such a simple function to produce? If extrapolate training data we can make much more precise function for every output much faster.
Lots of questions I see for the feature of Neural Networks. OpenMind is the library that would cover complete redesign for machine learning approach, contexts handling and goal-oriented reaching algorithm. It only needs some investment. Maybe some University or government grant.

Linux code freeze

Dear Mr. Torvalds,

I guess you tired to hear that C++ is good and Linux lacks support for C++ kernel modules.
In this post I'll try to give you my vision why its happening.
Lets look onto VFS code.

It seems to me this is actually using of C-style workaround for modern OOP approach that is supported well in C++. This is not a reason to support modules written in D though.

I remember you mentioned everything dies and its just a matter of time for the Linux kernel as well. But should we hurry with that? Isn't hard to adapt STL to kernel? I guess Linux STL port could be not only cross platform and configurable to build for both kernel and user modes, but it also may have best implementation to hug tight the kernel. Think about it: C++ programs could become much faster running on Linux.
You may have hear about STLport. Implementing an allocator for in-kernel use is a student task. Implementing fs layer seems to me simple enough. Everything is do-able!

So what do I propose:
  • Implement new kernel-compatible C++ standard.
  • Implement thin user mode wrapper like libc[++?].
  • Allow C++ edits.
I believe society will applause.

Friday, December 16, 2016

letter to China

Well, just unbelievable... No comments.

Tenzin Gyatso acceptanse

Сергей Кривонос

21 окт.
кому: premier
Hello dear Li,

With all respect I please you to take to consideration my ask to invite Tenzin Gyatso back to his residence. He is highly respected person in whole world. As the time of old governance that caused his forced expulsion has gone and it is XX| century I guess this would be considered as highly welcome. I do not ask to give him any government post but only give him respect and make the invite.

Thank you and high regards,
Sergej Krivonos

Сергей Кривонос

25 окт.
кому: premier

Please, let me know once the letter reach destination. I would also appreciate if you enrich the answer with your opinion on this subject regarding Dalai Lama XIV in face of Tenzin Gyatso status rehabilitation in China, please. Tibetian people and Chinese buddists as well as buddists of whole world would appreciate such a wide gesture of wisdom.

Сергей Кривонос

16 нояб.
кому: premier
Still no answer. Looks like you have busy personal assistent. I'll try asking next premier.
25.10.2016 23:33 пользователь "Сергей Кривонос" <> написал:

Сергей Кривонос

9 дек. (7 дн. назад)
кому: premier

Do you have in plan to give honor to Dalai Lama XIV and invite him back to his residence?

Monday, December 12, 2016


Lariix Gmelini is the tree to seed on Mars or Greenland...o_O
    How can proud people of Greenland leave without trees? 
                                                                        They can plant!

OpenMind goes crowdfounding

You might heard about OpenMind project. The only open source C++ library for general purpose AI.
If not then I introduce:

  • Ambitious project with purpose not to hide AI from everyone like it made IBM (Watson), Google and Apple (Siri), but to make it applicable in every aspect of software development starting from games and ending with huge management solutions.
  • C++
  • Free&OpenSource
  • Result oriented goal management system
  • With support for both games and chatbots
The bed thing there is still lots of things to implement until it might be used properly. And that is why the project goes to Indiegogo! Lets support this brave ambitious project.
Presentation text:

An AI Library


  • We need effective open source AI system
  • Watson is great diagnostics system, but can everyone use it? Is it moral to hide AI and retain progress when we still have hunger on our Earth?


  • Game bots AI
  • Thousands of games with new AI algorithms. Generic AI system that may become standard solution for gaming AI.
  • Good test field for generic AI solution.

    OpenMind Rationale

  • Automated management systems is one of the main goals for the OM library.
  • Programming your goals will help you do not miss anything in any size business.

OpenMind Rationale
  • Techsupport
  • Keeping context of conversation is something lacks even Siri and Something everyone needs during conversation with tech support.
  • Emerging client phrases to client context gives effect of understanding client needs.

OpenMind​ Features

Trie​ is the base class of data structure for contexts.
It gives great speed for both insert and access operations for huge amount of data.
Same iterations count as each comparison in map search has.

Here is example of trie like structure. Common items are really common. By reading the key we are coming to its data. This is fastest algorithm for search by text key. Standard C++ library STL has data structure called map for this purposes. Each comparison of map during key search takes same iterations as whole search operation in trie. This is so because we use direct access to go through trie.

OpenMind Features

  • GoalGenerator to make goals
  • Faculties to reach goals
  • Goals are to be reached 

OpenMind Features

  • Context is Trie
  • Context for conditions
  • Context for requirements

Result oriented algorithm

In human language it sounds simple: We need to do things that would make our needed conditions.
ToDo = Requirement - Conditions
So we need current conditions context described. We need context requirement described as well. And we need information on context modification for all faculties.

Car racing game bot control
In such an example, a car conditions context should contain its position and speed information. It also should refer road trajectory information. Closest to car objects could be simply gathered from loaded map object information.
What is required? Basically speaking, we only require position and speed to be the same as the best race trajectory has. Assuming the best trajectory includes an object speed information. This is the bot goal to keep as much closer to the best trajectory as it can. 
The best algorithm would cause exact match of the car trajectory to an estimated best trajectory path. This is called the win strategy.
Each iteration of the OpenMind AI powered game would have subgoals needed to reach the main goal to win. 

OpenMind Example
Bot race control : provide faculties
  • Implement «turn», «change speed» and other faculties
  • Initialize the Mind object with contexts and faculties.
  • Voila!​ An AI is ready.

The OpenMind library has fully support custom predictions currently. This is good enough to implement a car racing game bot AI control. But it might be not as cozy to use to predict complex events like weather for example.
In plan to implement swappable dynamic neural network powered prediction system.
There is also an idea to implement original compile-time neural network training based on boost MPL views. Such an algorithm would allow to generate an optimized code for build in win strategy for predefined conditions.

Thanks for watching.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

OpenShift PHP debug with Eclipse

To do so in Eclipse you need install OpenShift Eclipse plugin securely.

Add development environment variable

Restart your application
citation from
If you do so, OpenShift will run your application under 'development' mode. In development mode, your application will:
Using the development environment can help you debug problems in your application in the same way as you do when developing on your local machine. However, we strongly advise you not to run your application in this mode in production.
citation end.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Lets come to get there!

We are going to send life to the Mars.
Five highly experienced professionals involved. Famous expert astrobiologist, highly professional protatypist (electronics, mechanics engineering and setup from scratch, even production lines), three software development professionals with experience in computer graphics, robotics, astrophysics and CAD development are moving great goals of humanity forward right now just for you and for Everyone! What a great moment.

We work on sulfate-reducing bacteria project. I've attached mini-presentation.

As we can read and watch here the highly regarded expert Charles Cockel who also a little bit involved as expert and overall encourages the mission say its hard to know if a planet inhabited inside if there is no visible marks on surface because the life can still be inside.

As for opinion of our small group (but great inside), we think it does not really matter if the planet was inhabited inside. But we highly motivated to make it visibly inhabited. That is why we have formed.

The start was there. Here is webarchive. It was about Larix Gmelinii, the hardiest known tree and its ability to survive on Mars surface. By the way it could successfully be planted at Greenland because it has only one known spice of parasites. Its cone scales are used as food by the caterpillars of the tortrix moth Cydia illutana. During these writings on Coursera I have noticed there is much cheeper and safer way to Mars. Sulfate-reducing bacteria! I was believed the way to sustainable terraforming lays through thermophil Archea deep under planet surface. Because high temperature gained with energy of gravitation it is much more sustainable source then solar light. On my opinion huge amount of underground thermophile arhea might produce bigger amount of oxygen then surface plants. Even underwater single cell algae might produce more oxygen then surface plants.
YouTube/20th Century Fox

Anyway, both drilling deep planet surface or botanics requires presence on the planet.

Sulfate-reducing bacteria can be delivered by a launch.

The project purpose is engineering of mini-zond launching system for Solar system exploration. Basically for cheep exploration of asteroids, gas giant consistency, multiple soils points of planets, etc. Each zond size is less then apple and extremely cheap. It is passively launched with coil-gun from ISS by pre-calculated trajectories. We want to schedule a conference regarding this material at ESTEC. Our speaker POC is Mr. O. Kosan.

As result of conference we want to have official ESA decision that answers the question as follows: " How interested ESA in this project development and would ESA provide support in engineering and the system installation at International Space Station" and definitely make it happen.

What we want to do is to build a coilgun to set it up on ISS and shot five capsules with sulfate-reducing bacteria to the Mars and scan its atmosphere changes for test.
Please wish us luck Everyone!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

How to select right smartphone

Lots of people can buy wrong smartphone. Even shop consultants often say wrong things. Why wrong, what is wrong? The wrong it what you'll want to throw away in year or two.

If you want to make right decision then you should know which standards are top edge. Next year some new communication standard coming. Current best standard is LTE. Long term evolution standard is highest speed rates and distributed communication system. It is 4th generation. HSPA+ is good but it is third generation. So your phone should support both ideally to be a long term buy.

I guess Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 does support all these standards. All in one chip. As for Apple, yes, you can buy Apple iPhone 7 because it has LTE support.

Another thing you should look at is glass. Consider latest gorilla glass.

As for OS, if you want a chip smartphone or some special feature then you can buy an Android based solution. iPhone batteries are good even through years. If you like MS technologies and PC software then consider MS Lumia smartphone.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Dear LEGO,

I love you. My family is in love with you. Your great product was inspiring my imagination when I was kid and now it is inspiring my kids to feel an grow their own little imaginations. Thank you.

So here is the thanks:

1. Issues...
I downloaded LDD for Mac. It was unsigned. This means my computer can't check authority of original issuer. This is security problem. Please, sign your application for macOS with your certificate. Windows application is signed well, there is no such problem with your application for windows.

2. LDD potential. LEGO Digital Designer has great potential! First of all you might think kid would like to play it on computer instead of buying new sets. Well maybe some would if you leave this things as they are.
What you need to change is to make possible everyone to order his own set which kid assembled in LDD. You have almost whole tech process ready for this. Yo can make custom constructor. You probably use LDD+ for this. Just add a stamp of destination address to the constructor and you'll make another billion of kids to be happy.

3. LDD website images quality.
What is wrong with this? Well this is very simple to overcome.

With love, Specialmeaning. Good luck!


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Coding effort measurement

Hi dear Everyone,

I want to share with you this super method of productivity estimation of software development.
Anyone heard about staff folding in ASP .NET MVC? I want to share with you this method which allows to estimate an effort in adequate manner.
This video has last slide about it.

It is often said that entropy is an expression of the disorder, or randomness of a system, or of our lack of information about it.
 Compression shows well how much unique information (with best randomness, entropy->1) is in a file. So compressed code size shows best who put more effort.

You know what, almost every SCM already does the compression! You only need to see a compressed object file size to gather needed information.

So the measure of value is bytes of compressed diffs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ample Meal

Ample Meal show us the way of feature feeding.
I think of this as ideal fast-food. Think about it. You can buy it as Coca-Cola in some vending machine and you are good! No need to go to some cafeteria. Isn't great? Just drink a glass of your meal like milk and you're good. Terrific!

This is super time-saver!

Another gospel is Soylent. Ingredients.

Here is comparison.